Eddy Current Testing (ET)

Eddy Current Testing (ET)Fields of application
In the course of this eddy current testing (ET), an eddy current passes through the workpiece with the current pulse characteristic of the raw material. In this context, the evaluation of the received signals (amplitude and propagation time) allows conclusions to be drawn about the internal characteristic of the test object without destroying it. The eddy current method reliably detects the material defects, without any crack or material contamination remaining undetected.
For the purpose of the corrosion testing, the eddy current testing is the most common method of quality assurance. The excessive corrosion in a structural element may severely impair, for example, the protective alloy, the conductivity, the general desired workpiece characteristic, etc. For quality control of material defects on the surface, the eddy current testing serves as a further alternative to non-destructive material testing.
The characteristic and quality of the structural element can be checked in this manner, and the material inclusions on the surface or processing defects are visible by means of a display. In addition, the eddy current testing is often used if the measurement is impossible or impractical for other reasons, for example due to the size of the test part or to limited access. In this manner, practically all electrically conductive materials can be tested in the course of the eddy current testing.
This method is mainly applied in the industrial field, for example in installation, tool, apparatus and container construction, shipbuilding, pipeline construction, in foundries, power plants and chemical installations.
Our services
We carry out surface inspection of ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials with our mobile teams directly in your production and construction sites as well as the stationary testing at your own locations.
In this context, qualified radiation protection officers ensure that the respective tests are carried out in a safe manner.
Our employees are qualified and look back at a long-term experience with a wide variety of raw materials and structural elements.